Please stand by while matching players who can play at the same time

Reynold Plimpton

Sabr FFA ranking


in the world


Tournament game win rate

14.47 %

RISK activity last month
8 hours in game
25 games played
16 games won


in PRT
Tournament nemesis


Most afraid of Reynold Plimpton


Best performing settings

Map: Classic
Gamemode: Capitals Conquest
Fog: On
Blizzards: Off
Portals: Unstable

Tournament winrate pr. gamemode
World Domination16.36 %
70% Domination14.55 %
Capitals Conquest33.33 %
Zombie Apocalypse11.76 %
Speed Blitz0.00 %
Secret Missions0.00 %
Tournament games pr. gamemode
World Domination55
70% Domination55
Capitals Conquest3
Zombie Apocalypse34
Speed Blitz0
Secret Missions5
Tournament winrate pr. lobby size
6 players11.43 %
5 players12.00 %
4 players23.33 %
Upcoming tournament games
FFA Sams tournament2025-03-14 17:00 UTCView
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-15 18:00 UTCView
Latest tournament games
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-07The AirshipWorld Domination-1.56
FFA Sams tournament2025-03-05Reverse WorldWorld Domination-2.18
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-02Africa AdvancedWorld Domination-2.4
FFA with Special Powers2025-02-13Asia 1800sWorld Domination-2.35
FFA with Special Powers2025-02-06PangeaWorld Domination-1.82
FFA with Special Powers2025-01-30Las Vegas NevadaZombie Apocalypse-2.08
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-29River Town [Advanced]70% Domination-2.43
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-29Europe AdvancedZombie Apocalypse-2.41
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-29Italy70% Domination-2.35
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-24Britannia [Advanced]World Domination-1.61
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-24Brazil AdvancedWorld Domination-1.45
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-24Italy70% Domination-1.34
FFA with Special Powers2025-01-24Modern Spain70% Domination-1.99
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-24[REDACTED]70% Domination15.28
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-18US MidwestWorld Domination-1.64
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-18Las Vegas, Nevada70% Domination16.38
PLAYERS CHOICE INVITATIONAL (25PCI)2025-01-18US WestZombie Apocalypse-1.76
FFA with Special Powers2025-01-18World ConquestSecret Missions-2.22
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-16Operation A.D.A.M.World Domination-1.61
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-16PangeaZombie Apocalypse-1.54
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament2025-01-16Classic Frozen70% Domination-1.58
FFA with Special Powers2025-01-10Reverse World70% Domination-2.38
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-08The Skeld70% Domination-1.6
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-08The FungleSecret MissionsNo
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-08The AirshipSecret MissionsNo
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-03Mira HQWorld Domination-1.5
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-03The AirshipSecret MissionsNo
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament2025-01-03PolusSecret MissionsNo
Freedom Faceoff2024-12-21US Northeast70% Domination-2.02
Freedom Faceoff2024-12-13US MidwestWorld Domination-2
The Risk Tournament2024-12-08OverworldWorld Domination-1.47
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-12-07Way to Valhalla70% Domination-1.9
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-12-07US West70% Domination-1.88
Freedom Faceoff2024-12-07US WestWorld Domination-1.81
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-12-01US MidwestWorld Domination-2.2
The Risk Tournament2024-11-28Grip of the NorthWorld Domination-2.5
GM Tournament S122024-11-25Operation A.D.A.M.70% Domination-1.62
GM Tournament S122024-11-25Canada Advanced70% Domination-1.76
GM Tournament S122024-11-25JapanWorld Domination-1.71
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-11-22Blackbeards WrathZombie Apocalypse-2.22
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-11-22US SouthZombie Apocalypse-2.2
Freedom Faceoff2024-11-21US South70% Domination-2.02
The Risk Tournament2024-11-20[REDACTED]World Domination-2.24
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-11-20Reverse WorldZombie Apocalypse-2.52
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-11-20United StatesZombie Apocalypse-2.58
GM Tournament S122024-11-18Deutschland!World Domination-1.75
GM Tournament S122024-11-18Skull & Crossbones70% DominationNo
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-11-16Britannia [Advanced]Zombie Apocalypse-2.69
2024 PRT CUP (24CUP)2024-11-16Classic FrozenWorld Domination-2.28
Horror Tournament 20242024-11-15The Younger ScrollsZombie Apocalypse-2.39
Horror Tournament 20242024-11-15Skull & Crossbones70% Domination-2.36
Freedom Faceoff2024-11-14US NortheastCapitals Conquest-2.65
VIP Invitational 20242024-11-14Mont Saint-Michel70% Domination-2.2
The Risk Tournament2024-11-13Africa AdvancedWorld Domination-2.59
VIP Invitational 20242024-11-09AtlantisZombie Apocalypse-1.36
VIP Invitational 20242024-11-09Skull & CrossbonesWorld Domination-1.53
Freedom Faceoff2024-11-09US MidwestZombie Apocalypse8.81
Horror Tournament 20242024-11-08Draculas Castle70% Domination-2.42
Horror Tournament 20242024-11-08Deutschland!World Domination-2.39
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-11-07Africa AdvancedZombie Apocalypse-2.7
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-11-07Sietch TabrZombie Apocalypse-2.59
GM Tournament S122024-11-04Bohus Fortress70% Domination9.2
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-10-31Classic FrozenZombie Apocalypse-2.12
Coddle the Zombies Tournament Season 22024-10-31Dino CanyonZombie Apocalypse9.53
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-30TurkeyWorld Domination-1.72
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-30Las Vegas NevadaZombie Apocalypse-1.94
GM Tournament S122024-10-28Mont Saint-MichelCapitals Conquest-2.69
GM Tournament S122024-10-28OverworldZombie Apocalypse-2.66
GM Tournament S122024-10-28Roman EmpireWorld Domination8.39
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-23World Conquest70% Domination-2.23
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-23Deutschland!Zombie Apocalypse-2.13
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-23Jules Vernes Mysterious IslandZombie Apocalypse10.03
GM Tournament S122024-10-21United States AdvancedCapitals Conquest-2.14
GM Tournament S122024-10-21Modern Spain70% Domination-2.5
GM Tournament S122024-10-2128 Turns LaterZombie Apocalypse-2.62
VIP Invitational 20242024-10-16Canada Advanced70% Domination16.09
GM Tournament S122024-10-14World Conquest70% Domination-1.86
GM Tournament S122024-10-14TurkeyZombie Apocalypse-2.47
GM Tournament S122024-10-14SMG Spaceport70% Domination-2.55
CAPTURE THE FLAG OPEN (24CTFO)2024-10-04Pangea70% Domination-2.57
CAPTURE THE FLAG OPEN (24CTFO)2024-09-25United StatesWorld Domination-2.12
CAPTURE THE FLAG OPEN (24CTFO)2024-09-22Troy70% Domination-2.98
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-09-03The Younger ScrollsZombie Apocalypse-2.56
BIRTHDAY BASH OPEN (24BBO)2024-08-29Asia 1800sWorld Domination-1.85
BIRTHDAY BASH OPEN (24BBO)2024-08-28United States Advanced70% Domination-2.38
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-26Roots of Yggdrasil70% Domination-2.68
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-19Africa AdvancedZombie Apocalypse-2.9
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-12Central America70% Domination-3.07
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-05Forsaken LandsWorld Domination-3.12
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-07-29[REDACTED]World Domination12.37
Classic World Championship 20242024-06-03ClassicWorld Domination-2.32
Classic World Championship 20242024-06-03Classic70% Domination-2.23
Classic World Championship 20242024-06-03Classic70% Domination-2.03
Classic World Championship 20242024-05-27ClassicWorld Domination-2.6
Classic World Championship 20242024-05-27Classic70% Domination8.78
EPIC ZOMBIE INVITATIONAL (24EZI)2024-05-18PangeaZombie Apocalypse-1.66
EPIC ZOMBIE INVITATIONAL (24EZI)2024-05-18Dracon FortressZombie Apocalypse-1.64
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-08Mont Saint-MichelWorld DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-08Italy70% DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-08Asia 1800sWorld DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-04Britannia [Advanced]World DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-04Modern Spain70% DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-05-04Ottoman EmpireWorld DominationNo
GM Tournament S112024-05-01Conwy Castle70% Domination-2.6
GM Tournament S112024-05-01Bohus Fortress70% Domination-2.92
GM Tournament S112024-05-01Roman EmpireWorld Domination-2.89
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-04-27Africa AdvancedWorld DominationNo
GM Tournament S112024-04-24Britannia [Advanced]World Domination-3
GM Tournament S112024-04-24TurkeyZombie Apocalypse11.82
GM Tournament S112024-04-21Canada Advanced70% Domination-2.76
GM Tournament S112024-04-21Mall of the Dead70% Domination-2.73
GM Tournament S112024-04-2128 Turns LaterZombie Apocalypse-2.55
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-04-17United States AdvancedWorld DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-04-17Classic70% DominationNo
ENGLAND NATIONAL QUALIFIERS (24ENG)2024-04-17World ConquestWorld DominationNo
Blizzards Open S12024-04-10Europe AdvancedZombie Apocalypse-3.03
BIG MAPS OPEN (24BMO)2024-04-06Conquest of StockholmWorld Domination-2.52
Blizzards Open S12024-04-03Canada Advanced70% Domination-3.27
BIG MAPS OPEN (24BMO)2024-03-31Earth 2209 A.D.World Domination-2.99
Blizzards Open S12024-03-27Operation A.D.A.M.World Domination-2.82
FFA World Championship S1 20242024-03-13Himeji Castle70% Domination-3.37
FFA World Championship S1 20242024-03-10Stairs of Knowledge & PowerWorld Domination-3.37
GM Tournament S102023-11-18Britannia [Advanced]World Domination-2.78
GM Tournament S102023-11-18TurkeyZombie Apocalypse-2.67
GM Tournament S102023-11-18Dracon Fortress70% Domination-3.14
GM Tournament S102023-11-08ArcticWorld Domination-2.88
GM Tournament S102023-11-08Seaport70% Domination-2.76
GM Tournament S102023-11-0828 Turns LaterZombie Apocalypse-2.98
GM Tournament S102023-11-04World Conquest70% Domination14.74
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-10-13TurkeyZombie Apocalypse-2.65
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-10-06Greece70% Domination-3.05
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-10-01Operation A.D.A.M.World Domination14.87
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-09-20Orbital ObjectivesZombie Apocalypse-3.09
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-09-13World Conquest70% Domination-3.13
FFA World Championship S3 20232023-09-08Dracon FortressWorld Domination14.99
FFA World Championship S2 20232023-06-14Central AmericaWorld Domination-2.94
Kill Pete Open S12023-06-12Operation A.D.A.M.World Domination14.89
FFA World Championship S2 20232023-06-07Atlantis70% Domination-2.63
Kill Pete Open S12023-06-05Reverse World70% Domination-2.61
GM Tournament S92023-06-03World Conquest70% Domination-3.13
GM Tournament S92023-06-03ClassicWorld Domination-3.18
GM Tournament S92023-06-03Grip of the NorthZombie Apocalypse-3.18
FFA World Championship S2 20232023-06-01Africa Advanced70% Domination-3.2
Kill Pete Open S12023-05-29ClassicWorld Domination-3.29
FFA World Championship S2 20232023-05-27Moonstone ForestCapitals Conquest14.99
FFA World Championship S2 20232023-05-19General Processing UnitWorld Domination12.01
Classic World Championship 20232023-03-25ClassicWorld Domination-2.96
Classic World Championship 20232023-03-25Classic70% Domination-2.97
Classic World Championship 20232023-03-25Classic70% DominationNo
Classic World Championship 20232023-03-19ClassicWorld Domination9.05
FFA World Championship S1 20232023-01-25Europe AdvancedCapitals Conquest-2.96
FFA World Championship S1 20232023-01-20JapanWorld Domination-3
Current tournaments
Tournament placement history
TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Nathaniels Favorite Settings Tournament36-55002025-03-01
Risk x Among Us Secret Missions Tournament49-60002025-02-15
FFA with Special Powers14552025-02-15
PRT Player Choice Invitational 202513-24002025-02-08
The Risk Tournament33-11856562025-01-05
Freedom Faceoff9-3986862025-01-02
GM Tournament S1234-493913912024-12-22
PRT Cup 202413-331881882024-12-20
VIP Invitational 202430-502532532024-12-18
Coddle the Zombies Season 246-70002024-12-18
Horror Tournament 202414-58002024-12-17
PRT Capture The Flag Open25-3894892024-10-27
Truly Random Evolved Meta tournament 202456-5939372024-10-25
FFA World Championship 2024 B97-1451871782024-10-13
Risk Olympics 2024 Zombies9-19002024-09-30
Eventlabs Classix Fixed1437312024-09-09
PRT Birthday Bash Open49-70002024-09-01
FFA Classic World Championship 202497-1921401052024-07-12
Eventlabs Viking Legends19-201961472024-07-07
GM Tournament S1160-9088622024-06-09
PRT Epic Zombies Invitational 202426-50002024-06-09
Blizzards Open S161-105002024-05-31
PRT Big Map Open49-63002024-05-05
Zebia Fixed Tourney70-72002024-05-03
FFA World Championship 2024 A491-521002024-04-24
Random Settings S340-42002024-03-29
Kill Pete Open Season 2591107642024-03-23
GM Tournament S1048-71002023-12-23
RISK Legends S589-200002023-12-08
Zebia Tourney 2023102392023-11-30
FFA World Championship 2023 C7-317062472023-10-20
Zombie MPB Universal Domination11223672023-10-05
Legends S499-15163162023-09-07
KPO 20231258-2112002023-09-03
FFA World Championship 2023 B35-637391112023-07-01
GM Tournament S998-147002023-06-29
zombie resistor is futile MPB36-50002023-05-22
Risk Legends S3103-15113472023-04-30
Classic Championship 202397-19212062023-04-29
FFA World Championship 2023 A449-4867602023-02-28
No tournament history to show

Team tournaments include 2v2, 3v3, 3AS, 5AS, Clan Wars and World Cup results. All players on a team get the same amount of points.

No team tournament history to show

Ingame badges (Hasbro statistics)

Sabr ranking badges

Special badges

Tournament ELO badges
