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Are we missing some resources? Contact eirik on discord

There is a ton of various RISK: Global Domination related resources out there that can be handy for you to improve your gameplay. From instructional videos and blitz calculators to Wiki pages and Zombie pathing maps. Here we have tried to organize everything for you.



Big collection of information related to the game

Everything about Zombies

Big collection of information about the wonderful Zombies in RISK

Community with active RISK players on Reddit

RISK Facebook

Community with active RISK players on Facebook

Professional Risk Takers

Our very own professional league with tournaments and cash prizes. Get a good deal with discount code 'friendsofrisk' when signing up.

RISK Speedrunning

Yes, its a thing. Watch the #-risk-speedrunning channnel on Risky Business, or visit this link


Ares disconnection map tool

Especially useful when playing 1v1 with manual setup, this tool helps you pick the best territories to stay disconnected

Rank points calculator

Estimate how many rank points you will gain based on your opponents ranks and your placement

Balanced Blitz calculator

Estimate win chances and trool losses for your rolls

Assassin target command

Assign targets for an assassins-game with Riskbots /assassin command on Discord. The bots will DM each player with their target. Available in most Discord servers where Riskbot is active. Try it out in Risk Grandmaster Arena

Aresbot have functions for getting map information such as 70% count, big set on 3 odds, and calculating blitz rolls odds for both single attacks and chains. The bot can be accessed in the #aresbot channel on the RISK: Deadman Walking Discord-server

Hidden gems

#risk-data channel

The RISK: Deadman Walking Discord-server have a big collection of map data, sourcecodes etc that you can check out

#zombie-strategy channel

The RISK ZOMBIES server has a lot of information, including a huge list of zombie pathing maps pinned in the #zombie-strategy channel

Instructional Videos

OliveXC 1v1 tutorials

Petes Risk for beginners video

JJ's guide to slider blitzing