Please stand by while matching players who can play at the same time

News: Friends of Pete

Friends of Risk now has its own section on Kill Pete Strategys Discord-server. Please come over and join for a chat by clicking here

News: Login with discord

No more signing up, creating accounts with email and forgotten passwords. Friends of Risk is now 100% based on Discord login. Remember you can always login with the /login* command in Discord as well (*where Riskbot is present and /commands are allowed)

News: Join the 1v1 casual league

On the main Discord server we are now hosting a casual 1v1 league with quarterly season resets and prize raffle for 1000 gems. All you have to do is play a series of 4 games against someone else in the server to be included in the league. Only your 5 most recent matches count towards the league. Good luck!

News: Check out these new Friends of Risk features

There are a lot of new features coming to Friends of Risk, and some are already available to try out.

Settings generatorHasbro Game statistics toplistsMain Server 1v1 leagueArco -vs- Johan statsDay by day rank history

News: Showcase your merits with badges

By logging in to the Friends of Risk website and linking your profile to your Sabr Ranking Player, you will now be awarded badges for various achivements. By clicking on the badges you can see what other players holds them. If you have any questions, reach out to eirik on Discord.

Most active streamers last 30 days
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Most watched streamers last 30 days
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Kylted5833 hours
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Most active ffa players last 6 months
Arco25 events
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Current top 10 ffa sabr rank
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Jax Wylde#4
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Most active 1v1 players last 6 months
Arco14 events
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REMOVED_PLAYER_0110 events
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Current top 10 1v1 sabr rank
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Silent Legend#9