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Sabr FFA ranking


in the world
You don't have an FFA ELO
Tournament game win rate

10.00 %

RISK activity last month
7 hours in game
29 games played
14 games won
Not listed on the PRT leaderboard yet. Join PRT and play some games! Use the code 'friendsofrisk' to get a discount when signing up!
Tournament nemesis


Most afraid of Duck

General Phung

Best performing settings

Map: Dicey Trajectories
Gamemode: World Domination
Fog: On
Blizzards: On
Portals: Stable

Tournament winrate pr. gamemode
World Domination12.50 %
70% Domination0.00 %
Capitals Conquest0.00 %
Zombie Apocalypse0.00 %
Speed Blitz0.00 %
Secret Missions0.00 %
Tournament games pr. gamemode
World Domination8
70% Domination1
Capitals Conquest0
Zombie Apocalypse1
Speed Blitz0
Secret Missions0
Tournament winrate pr. lobby size
6 players0.00 %
5 players0.00 %
4 players0.00 %
Upcoming tournament games
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-15 19:00 UTCView
Latest tournament games
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-07The AirshipWorld Domination-3.01
Risk FFA World Championship, Season 1 20252025-03-02Africa AdvancedWorld Domination-2
1v1 World Championship2025-02-16BostonWorld DominationNo
1v1 World Championship2025-02-09Jules Vernes Mysterious IslandWorld DominationNo
1v1 World Championship2025-01-28Dicey TrajectoriesWorld DominationNo
1v1 World Championship2025-01-26United StatesWorld DominationNo
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-19Africa AdvancedZombie Apocalypse-2.63
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-12Central America70% Domination-2.72
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-08-05Forsaken LandsWorld Domination-2.79
FFA World Championship S2 20242024-07-29[REDACTED]World Domination-2.67
Current tournaments
Tournament placement history
TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
FFA World Championship 2024 B231-302002024-10-13
No tournament history to show

Team tournaments include 2v2, 3v3, 3AS, 5AS, Clan Wars and World Cup results. All players on a team get the same amount of points.

No team tournament history to show

Ingame badges (Hasbro statistics)

Sabr ranking badges

Special badges

Tournament ELO badges
