Please stand by while generating groups

Riskbot is the communitys very own Discord bot tailor made for anything RISK related.

Contact eirik if you want to use riskbot in your server

Common commands

Generates a link to login to Friends of Risk without using username and password.
Generates a link to update your availability.
Show your current FFA sabr rankings
Show the current top FFA sabr rankings
Show the current availability of yourself or any user you like.
Suggest the 5 best possible times for a group of users to play a match based on their availability
Assign targets in DM for an assassination game.
Assign imposter(s) in DM for an imposter game.
Assign a alternative win condition for a stalemating game to the players in DM
Generate some random game settings.
Create an event for using Friends of Risk signup system

Team tournament specific commands

Combines the individual availabilities from any users into your team captain availability
Show the current team captain availability of yourself or any team captain you like.
Suggest the 5 best possible times between team captains, based on their teams availability

Main server specific commands

Remove a role from ANY user who has it (event staff only)
Swap group threads between two players in a tournament round (event staff only)
Submit results from a 1v1 Casual League match (#casual-league-scores only)
Show the current top10 in the 1v1 Casual league (#casual-league-scores only)

Other features

  • Game thread creating API (used by Classic World Championship)
  • User swapping API (used by Classic World Championship)
  • Channel messaging API (used by Classic World Championship)
  • Tournament calendar message syncronization (on most servers)
  • DM tool (used by main server)


Riskbot is developed and maintained by eirik, and you can find the sourcecode here:


Thanks to these users for contributing to the developement of riskbot

  • b_w_johan for being chief executive tester
  • Brutalpipe for ideas about team related commands
  • Sterling for ideas and help testing a lot of commands
  • Plazmafield and 3irc for ideas and help with the calendar system
  • Myketh for the idea for the /imposter command
  • sppancake for making the /swap and /roleremove commands
  • CQG for ideas and help testing the riskbot-API
  • Brilliant Frog of White Meadow for the idea for the /stalemate command
  • ... and many more for helping testing, coming up with ideas and using riskbot