Please stand by while matching players who can play at the same time

FFA ranking


1v1 ranking


Team ranking


Tournament history

TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
FFA Classic World Championship 202497-1921401122024-07-12
Kill Pete Open Season 2517154922024-03-23
Legends S499-15163192023-09-07
KPO 20231258-2112002023-09-03
FFA World Championship 2023 B597-924002023-07-01
Risk Legends S324-35488492023-04-30
Classic Championship 202349-96261262023-04-29
FFA World Championship 2023 A928-965002023-02-28
Risk Legends S248-280002022-12-20
Risk Legends S126-98002022-08-23
FFA 2022 B11-2465202022-06-20
FFA 2022 a41-7626502022-02-15
TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Retry Games Cup 1v1 Ladder Season1 Q127149972024-03-31

Team tournaments include 2v2, 3v3, 3AS, 5AS, Clan Wars and World Cup results. All players on a team get the same amount of points.

No team tournament history to show