Please stand by while matching players who can play at the same time

FFA ranking

Red #33

1v1 ranking

Red #5

Team ranking

Red #18

Tournament history

TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Retry Games Meta Meme Tourney7-26002024-10-04
Random Settings S33448312024-03-29
TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Retry Games Cup 1v1 Ladder Season1 Q36106310102024-09-30
Retry Games Cup 1v1 Ladder Season1 Q283722982024-06-30
March Madness 1v164002024-04-01
Retry Games Cup 1v1 Ladder Season1 Q1242531642024-03-31

Team tournaments include 2v2, 3v3, 3AS, 5AS, Clan Wars and World Cup results. All players on a team get the same amount of points.

TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Retry Games 2v2 20248002024-10-14