Please stand by while matching players who can play at the same time

FFA ranking


1v1 ranking


Team ranking


Tournament history

TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Coddle the Zombies Season 246-70002024-12-18
FFA Classic World Championship 202497-1921401122024-07-12
Eventlabs Viking Legends15-172211772024-07-07
Eventlabs Coddle the Zombies Tournament32-53002024-06-18
GM Tournament S1137-592972232024-06-09
FFA World Championship 2024 AF11568092024-04-24
Eventlabs The 4-player tournament 61841202024-04-16
GM Arena 70% S237-95002024-03-11
FFA World Championship 2023 C145-281002023-10-20
TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
Sudden Death S24125010632024-07-25
Casual League Q2 2024101501202024-06-29
Clan Wars S212002024-05-04
Jules Vernes 1v1 Island2501632024-04-04
March Madness 1v164002024-04-01
Casual Tourney S210006002024-03-02
1v1 S7713568142024-03-02
Stack Roulette S17002024-02-04

Team tournaments include 2v2, 3v3, 3AS, 5AS, Clan Wars and World Cup results. All players on a team get the same amount of points.

TournamentPlacementPointsPoints after decayCompleted
2v2 Season 758887992024-09-01
Team Risk Tournament140011902024-07-25
Clan Wars Season 2002024-05-05